Friday, October 21, 2005


A whole new whorled (and picture of the day)

Ahh, thank goodness she takes after her mother in the hair department! Poor thing though, with those two whorls, she'll be good for nothing but twin ponytails or a faux-hawk. Hmmm, which to go with first?

It is a whole new world though. It's amazing watching just how much she changes day-to-day (or hour to hour even). That first day you could see her learn to open her eyes, look at daddy (mommy too), burp, hiccup (she loves hiccuping. Each one is new and exciting). I'm always amazed at how alert she is, watching what is going on around her, looking at daddy (and following when he points to mommy coming into the room). She's one smart cookie.

She was also cranky beyond belief last night. There was no way I could console her. She thrashed about screaming, bright red (giving us her patented "Laaaaaaaa" cry, which means we are in real trouble- a "waaah" is just a warning). Shushing, hugging, bouncing, rocking, rubbing, patting- nothing helped. She'd work her self up so much she would arch like a bow, going rigid with her head locked to one side. Scary! Only mommy's breast could quiet her, but she wouldn't even eat for more than a couple of minutes.

I'm hoping (oh please, oh please) that this is just the discomfort of having her digestive system start coming on line. The steady "poot-poot-poot" of gas certainly suggests that is a contributing factor. She should settle soon? Luckily, we have her first pediatric appointment today, so we can be fearful parents and ask questions that everyone who already has kids already knows.

She did quiet this morning though, even sleeping in daddy's arms for an hour and a half while mommy rested. Of course, half way through there was a knock on the door and ringing of the doorbell- a gift arriving from Alison's office. Luckily, she slept right through it. Alison was thrilled to see the muffins and cookies when she woke up hungry.

[Update: My genetics genius brother points out that whorl directions are strongly linked to handedness (Genetics, 2003), and puts his money on her being a lefty or ambidextrous]

Did you know there is a link between handedness and direction of your hair whorl? Right-handers have a clockwise whorl direction ~90% of the time, while lefties or ambidexterous people show a 50-50 split on clockwise vs counter-clockwise direction. I'm predicting Petra will turn out to be one of these (lefties are common in the Lindstrom family).


Reference: Genetics. 2003 Sep;165(1):269-76
My son also cried with a "laaaa" until he was about four or five months old, we thought it was so adorable!
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