Thursday, October 20, 2005


Welcome to our world

Sorry about the last two posts being a bit testy. We've been running on VERY little sleep. We know how much everyone wants to know more about Petra- all the vital stats, pictures, digitized burp noises etc. Now that we are home, it should be easier to meet the demand. But don't expect too much, here is a capsule review of Petra's first 3 days of life:

10/18, 3:09am: Born (nearly dropped by Doctor because Alison shot her out so quickly)
10/18, 3:21am: Daddy takes picture while still in the bun warmer (to be posted soon)
10/18, 4:07am: First breast feeding (or game attempt at such, both mom and baby are exhausted)
10/18, 6am: Move to hospital room for recovery
10/18, 10:30am: first real feeding (after a blessedly peaceful 4 hour sleep- an exhausted baby is a good baby)
10/18, 1:30pm: Feeding (after another long nap), first pee
10/18, 5:15pm: Feeding
10/18, 8pm: Feeding, first poop (meconium)
10/18, 10:45pm: feeding, pee
10/18, 11:45pm: feeding, gas, crying, lots of daddy carrying her around
(This was the day that they said let her sleep, she won't wake up much)

10/19, 1:45am: feeding, gas, crying, pee, lots of daddy staggering around doing everything possible to keep her quiet so mommy can sleep
10/19, 6:45am: feeding
10/19, 9:00am: feeding
10/19, 11:50am: feeding
10/19, 3:20pm: feeding, pee
10/19, 6pm: Going home from the hospital
10/19, 7:00pm: feeding, cranky
10/19, 9:00pm: marathon feeding
10/19, 11:00pm: marathon pooping (first real baby poo)
(cranky day, what with learning how to digest and everything)

10/20, 12:00am: feeding
10/20, 2:20am: feeding (and a long one), then sleeping on daddy's lap the rest of the night- good baby!
10/20, 6:30am: handoff to mommy so daddy can crash a couple of hours. feeding
10/20, 8:55am: feeding
10/20, 9:45am: daddy wakes up feeling (comparatively speaking) like a million bucks. Finds mommy and Petra snoozing on the couch post feed.

And so, welcome to our world- feed, poop, pee, repeat.

The weird thing is, I wouldn't give it up for the world!

Feed, poop, pee. Add a couple lectures and a lab and she's ready for med school! Thanks for the pix! Let us know if you need anything. We're down the street.
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