Friday, October 07, 2005


A nurturing environment

Perfectly timed to coincide with the Monkey's arrival, the LADWP is replacing (20 years behind schedule) the water mains in front of our house (and all down the street beside it, and around the corner....). For the next several months (minimum!) we will have no street- only a large open trench. Jackhammers, trucks and backhoes starting at 6am every day (except Sunday), 24-hour pumps and generators, and more dirt, dust and gravel than you can imagine.

The construction will, I'm sure, help the monkey sleep well all day! They say things are usually too quiet for babies, who are used to the roaring noises of mom's gastrointestinal tract. But the constant "beep-beep-beep" of backing vehicles may be a little distracting. And her poor little monkey lungs will be coated in mud! Our house is 75 years old, so it is hardly air tight. With no A/C, leaving the windows closed all the time is also not really an option.

I guess we'll just have to invest in a little hard hat and orange vest for her. Good thing we got the off road stroller, as our only access to the world will be through the construction zone.

Ahhh, life in the big city. Anyone in Paris want a house swap for a few months?

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