Monday, October 03, 2005



I must say, being a daddy-to-be has certainly made me a manly man (or at least play one at home). If you ignore all the house cleaning (more shiny baseboards!) and curtain hanging (blackout curtains so the monkey never has to know the pain of natural light), I've been quite the handy man- building a library in the garage, patching and painting the nursery (you can't tell there was ever a big hole in the wall now), wiring in new light fixtures etc. More work has gone into the house this summer than in the last 3 years (well, assuming you don't count the kitchen remodel, but I didn't do the construction on that one)! I only hope the manliness translates appropriately to Dadliness when the monkey arrives.

Which, by the way, is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! What with only 5% of babies arriving on their due date (which we have been told 1,236,435 times), we could be due pretty much anytime over the next 2 weeks or so. We'll be packing our bags tonight so that when we need to head to Kaiser we don't end up with a paper sack full of underwear, hairspray, and silver polish instead of the things we'll actually need.

Tomorrow I'm dragging Alison to "Labor and Delivery" class, apparently taught by the same stellar educator as the completely useless "newborn care" class two weeks ago (we bailed on post-partum care last week). Saturday we tour the labor and delivery facilities as well. Then we should be as ready as we are likely to ever be. After that, it's "Hail Mary!" and push, and ta-daa, we'll be parents!

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