Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Got no class

Labor and delivery class was last night at Kaiser, and within minutes of arriving I felt bad about dragging Alison there. As before, the "health educator" started with asking if there were any questions (and answering each with "we'll get to that"- duh, nothing had been covered yet!). The only good part was a (badly edited) handout on exactly what goes on when in labor (basically- ouch!). We took off before the delivery videos started (do we really want to see this?). Alison will be cancelling next week's class today, because with all the misinformation this person presents, it is better for us not to attend.

Then, back to Kaiser this morning for our weekly checkup. Basically, the monkey can come whenever she damn well feels like it. Of course, the Doctor is leaving town for a week or so tomorrow, so cross your legs! Everything seems to be on target, the baby is growing, Alison isn't (no space for food anywhere anymore). The OB recommended lots of walking and sex to stimulate contractions. Since Alison is ready for this whole pregnancy thing to be over, I gues we'll have to try something!

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