Thursday, September 29, 2005


Non-Belly related swelling

Alison is finally starting to show some pregnancy related symptoms (other than that monkey-filled belly). The circulation in her feet is suffering, and they are swelling pretty badly. I blame poor ergonomics in her office more than I blame the monkey. I've been trying to be a good husband by taking her walking and giving her foot rubs every night (I'm kind of jealous of myself!).

Foot lotion with lavender and witch hazel works pretty well, and we've discovered that the cats REALLY don't like the smell. Such funny faces they make when they smell it. Well, OK, Piper and Chester hate it, but I think Vanna has completely lost her sense of smell. She had no reaction at all to it when she sniffed my fingers, and even threatend to stick her head in the jar.

The good news is that the swelling seems to be the worst of the pregnancy related aches and pains that she's had. She's been AMAZINGLY lucky not to have morning sickness or anything else. Thank goodness!

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