Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The little sink

Bassinets are the current topic of conversation. Daddytypes and others are bemoaning the lack of stylin' bassinets (all seem to be cheesy plastic covered in dust ruffles. Are babies that dusty?). I have to agree. Personally, I think I have the problem solved: Laundry basket, 2 milk crates, some zip screws, and a handful of towels, and voila! One perfectly good bassinet that is no uglier than anything from Target!

Actually Holly (Alison's dad's wife's daughter) is sending down a bassinet on Sunday. We're driving up to Santa Barbara to meet Alison's dad and pick it up. If that fails (Alison is becoming a BIT uncomfortable at this point), we can always fall back on the laundry basket!

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