Thursday, September 08, 2005


Inside the Monkey House

Between Alison being a librarian, and me being a packrat, we have WAY too much stuff. Put this into a small 2 bedroom house, add 3 cats (one of which is older than God and has her OWN room), sprinkle in a baby on the way and you get a souffle popping out of the pan (mmmm, souffle...).

So, to relieve some of the building pressure, I decided to empty the garage (of WAY too much stuff), and build a new room to house the library. As the monkey is the driver, I've taken to calling it the monkey house.

The garage was small to start with, only 16x16 ft or so, and we couldn't fit the car in anyway, so an 8x12ft room for books is a pretty good use of space, if I do say so myself (and I do).

My friend Tim was kind enough to help with hauling and hanging drywall (I could never have handled all the big stuff myself). We managed to haul all the studs, plywood, drywall, insulation etc. in multiple trips in and on the Passat. I love a car that can carry 25 8' 2x4 studs INSIDE!

A couple of weeks of nights and weekends (of course, I put this off until the hottest weeks of summer!), and the room is pretty much finished. Another week of hauling boxes and boxes and boxes of books, and ta-daaaa- we have an extra room! Still need to add insulation in the ceiling, a few patches of drywall at the top, and hang the door though.

Now, a week or so to clean, patch, paint, and decorate the "Nursery" (Yikes!) and we'll be all set for the monkey! She better not be early!

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